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Intelligo Product Shot


At INTELLIGO we are looking to build our team and help the world learn online.  Right now we are actively recruiting for distributors who can help get education institutions teaching online.  

Intelligo Product Shot

How To Become A Distributor

01. Register and Apply

Tell us about yourself and what you can offer on the below form

02. Getting To Know Us

We will arrange an interview and chat with the Intelligo Founders – either in person or by video conferencing

03. Training

We will do a full training session with you to ensure you know the product, its benefits, and how it compares with the myriad of other products in this space.

04. Delivery Partnership

As you develop potential customers we will support you are every stage.  Once the customer is ready they will be provided with a demo product before they commit

05. Ongoing Support

Distributors are encouraged to remain involved in ongoing customer support.

Distributor Registration

Fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch.